Welcome to BRO Nation
// Who is BRO Nation?
BRO Nation was founded by a collection of like-minded individuals who did not care for the squabbles and lack of coordination and squad play found on public servers. We want to make an enjoyable, tactical experience for everyone who wishes to take their game to the next level, without the drama and elitism that you can find in the ultra-realistic milsim and life communities.
To join the BRO-NATION is quite simple really, we are a public server and hope to remain so. There is no real application process to joining us since wearing the BRO-NATION badge intially means you are submitting to our ethos of play, we show up then we BRO-UP, our conduct should be a demonstration of our membership so the adminstration of members would rely on that.
We try to keep the server open for play 24/7 but sometimes there may be changes needed, it is intended that we remain vanilla but leaving the option open for client side mods like advanced movement and the likes, it is intended to be monetized and so there certain rules that we have to adhere to which are also posted here on the site, please be sure to read them.